Feeding and breeding over the first 3 days after hatching will affect the total yield. In other words, if the breeding of the flock is combined with proper nutrition and management, the outcome will be a flock of uniform weight, while the performance will be optimal in terms of feed conversion ratio and production index. This can be achieved by compliance with nutritional and management principles, especially in the early days of breeding.

For this purpose, Dorna Pellet produces highly special pellet seeds for the first 3 days of broilers (branded TDF). Here are a few of key effects of TDF.


The Benefits of Prestarter TDF

  • Improvement in litter quality
  • Improvement in FCR
  • Increase in flock uniformity
  • Lower food waste when eating
  • High nutritional value owing to enzymes
  • Improved integrity of intestinal cells and prevention  from digestive disorders
  • Prevention of fungal poisoning caused by multi-component toxin binders
  • Enhanced growth rate and weight gain in the flock due to growth stimulants
  • Adjusted microbial population and thus improvement in growth, development and digestive health
  • Strengthening the immune system and enhancing resistance of flocks against bacteria, viruses and parasites
  • Good quality of proteins and amino acids due to consumption of highly digestible feed
  • Increased levels of intestinal absorption and improved efficiency of the digestive tract due to consumption of growth stimulants
Protein % 23-23.5
Energy KG/KCAL 2900
Calcium % 1.05
Phosphorus(available) % 0.55
Sodium % 0.18
Lysine(digestible) % 1.44
Methionine(digestible) % 0.61
Threonine(digestible) % 0.98
Fiber % 3.5
Dry matter % 90
GR consumption 60